Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception Object
    [message:protected] => Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name' at line 1
    [string:private] => 
    [code:protected] => 0
    [file:protected] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php
    [line:protected] => 84
    [trace:private] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/Zend/Db/Statement.php
                    [line] => 109
                    [function] => _prepare
                    [class] => Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name


            [1] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php
                    [line] => 377
                    [function] => __construct
                    [class] => Zend_Db_Statement
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli Object
                                    [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array
                                            [0] => 0
                                            [1] => 1
                                            [2] => 2
                                            [INT] => 0
                                            [INTEGER] => 0
                                            [MEDIUMINT] => 0
                                            [SMALLINT] => 0
                                            [TINYINT] => 0
                                            [BIGINT] => 1
                                            [SERIAL] => 1
                                            [DEC] => 2
                                            [DECIMAL] => 2
                                            [DOUBLE] => 2
                                            [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2
                                            [FIXED] => 2
                                            [FLOAT] => 2

                                    [_stmt:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli Object
                                            [_stmt:protected] => 
                                            [_keys:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => GROUP_CONCAT(CityID)

                                            [_values:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => 

                                            [_meta:protected] => mysqli_result Object

                                            [_adapter:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli Object
                                            [_fetchMode:protected] => 2
                                            [_attribute:protected] => Array

                                            [_bindColumn:protected] => Array

                                            [_bindParam:protected] => Array

                                            [_sqlSplit:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CityID) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CityID FROM BmByItems WHERE CityID!=0) AS A

                                            [_sqlParam:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CityID) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CityID FROM BmByItems WHERE CityID!=0) AS A

                                            [_queryId:protected] => 

                                    [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli
                                    [_config:protected] => Array
                                            [host] => dbh6
                                            [username] => 3600
                                            [password] => 3174281e6fd270abc0cf7eebc61054e3
                                            [dbname] => arecms_3600
                                            [options] => Array
                                                    [caseFolding] => 0
                                                    [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1

                                            [driver_options] => Array


                                    [_fetchMode:protected] => 2
                                    [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object
                                            [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array

                                            [_enabled:protected] => 
                                            [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => 
                                            [_filterTypes:protected] => 

                                    [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler
                                    [_connection:protected] => mysqli Object

                                    [_caseFolding:protected] => 0
                                    [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1

                            [1] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name


            [2] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php
                    [line] => 432
                    [function] => prepare
                    [class] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name


            [3] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php
                    [line] => 644
                    [function] => query
                    [class] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name
                            [1] => Array



            [4] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/helpers/CmsDatabaseHelper.class.php
                    [line] => 81
                    [function] => fetchAll
                    [class] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name


            [5] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/sites/3600/models/CmsIndexModel/Actions/FilterConnectorPre.action.php
                    [line] => 23
                    [function] => fnFetchAll
                    [class] => CCmsDatabaseHelper
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => SELECT C.CityID as ID,C.Name as Name FROM Countries as C LEFT JOIN Catalogues AS Cat ON C.CatalogueID = Cat.ID Where C.CityID IN() and Cat.Visible=1 order by C.Name


            [6] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsCustomModel.class.php
                    [line] => 215
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/sites/3600/models/CmsIndexModel/Actions/FilterConnectorPre.action.php

                    [function] => include_once

            [7] => Array
                    [function] => __call
                    [class] => CCmsCustomModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => fnConnectorPreAction
                            [1] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [ID] => 17
                                            [CatalogueID] => 1547
                                            [Name] => Index Model FilterConnectoor
                                            [Alias] => connector_pre
                                            [ModelID] => 1
                                            [ModelInstanceID] => 1
                                            [PermissionGroup] => PR_SELECT
                                            [Action] => index
                                            [ActionFile] => FilterConnectorPre.action.php
                                            [ProcessOrder] => Pre
                                            [Active] => 1
                                            [OnPost] => 0
                                            [OnPre] => 0
                                            [RenderType] => 
                                            [DefaultComponent] => 
                                            [ComponentConfig] => 
                                            [DefaultHeader] => 
                                            [DefaultTemplate] => 
                                            [DefaultFooter] => 
                                            [Description] => 
                                            [Ajax] => 
                                            [Json] => 
                                            [ActionMethod] => fnConnectorPreAction
                                            [VirtualAction] => 1




            [8] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsCustomModel.class.php
                    [line] => 363
                    [function] => fnConnectorPreAction
                    [class] => CCmsIndexModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [ID] => 17
                                    [CatalogueID] => 1547
                                    [Name] => Index Model FilterConnectoor
                                    [Alias] => connector_pre
                                    [ModelID] => 1
                                    [ModelInstanceID] => 1
                                    [PermissionGroup] => PR_SELECT
                                    [Action] => index
                                    [ActionFile] => FilterConnectorPre.action.php
                                    [ProcessOrder] => Pre
                                    [Active] => 1
                                    [OnPost] => 0
                                    [OnPre] => 0
                                    [RenderType] => 
                                    [DefaultComponent] => 
                                    [ComponentConfig] => 
                                    [DefaultHeader] => 
                                    [DefaultTemplate] => 
                                    [DefaultFooter] => 
                                    [Description] => 
                                    [Ajax] => 
                                    [Json] => 
                                    [ActionMethod] => fnConnectorPreAction
                                    [VirtualAction] => 1



            [9] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/controllers/CmsActionController.class.php
                    [line] => 211
                    [function] => fnCallAction
                    [class] => CCmsCustomModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [ID] => 17
                                    [CatalogueID] => 1547
                                    [Name] => Index Model FilterConnectoor
                                    [Alias] => connector_pre
                                    [ModelID] => 1
                                    [ModelInstanceID] => 1
                                    [PermissionGroup] => PR_SELECT
                                    [Action] => index
                                    [ActionFile] => FilterConnectorPre.action.php
                                    [ProcessOrder] => Pre
                                    [Active] => 1
                                    [OnPost] => 0
                                    [OnPre] => 0
                                    [RenderType] => 
                                    [DefaultComponent] => 
                                    [ComponentConfig] => 
                                    [DefaultHeader] => 
                                    [DefaultTemplate] => 
                                    [DefaultFooter] => 
                                    [Description] => 
                                    [Ajax] => 
                                    [Json] => 
                                    [ActionMethod] => fnConnectorPreAction
                                    [VirtualAction] => 1



            [10] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/controllers/CmsActionController.class.php
                    [line] => 329
                    [function] => fnPreActionDispatch
                    [class] => CCmsActionController
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [11] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/controllers/CmsActionController.class.php
                    [line] => 119
                    [function] => fnDispatch
                    [class] => CCmsActionController
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [12] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsCustomModel.class.php
                    [line] => 250
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsActionController
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [13] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsControlCatalogueModel/CmsControlCatalogueModel.class.php
                    [line] => 50
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsCustomModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [14] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsControlOnePageModel/CmsControlOnePageModel.class.php
                    [line] => 31
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsControlCatalogueModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [15] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsOnePageModel/CmsOnePageModel.class.php
                    [line] => 32
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsControlOnePageModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [16] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/models/CmsIndexModel/CmsIndexModel.class.php
                    [line] => 32
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsOnePageModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => 


            [17] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/controllers/CmsModelController.class.php
                    [line] => 34
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsIndexModel
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [18] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/base/controllers/CmsSiteController.class.php
                    [line] => 60
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsModelController
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [19] => Array
                    [file] => /www/html/bmby.com/ARE_CMS_NEW/www/index.php
                    [line] => 122
                    [function] => fnRun
                    [class] => CCmsSiteController
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


